Friday, March 25, 2011

Dinner #1

H is teething. What's new...right? Anyway, tooth #7 will be taking up residence in the left upper gum area sometime very soon (I hope). He wasn't too excited about eating all day, so I made him some fluffy soft pancakes for dinner. He hasn't been a real huge fan of the pancake in the past but tonight, things changed. Holy Cow! He slammed down 4 (mini) pancakes in no time flat! Then, while I was making our dinner, he ate a ton of Cheerios and possibly a piece of cantaloupe (but I have a sneaking suspicion he fed it to Dasher while I wasn't looking). THEN, he ate some french bread and goldfish crackers while Matt and I were eating dinner. So, he had a major carbfest. But I'm okay with that, I'm just glad he's eating.

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