Friday, July 8, 2011

Beachside Family Reunion

Every year my Mom's side of the family has a reunion. My Mom has 4 siblings (3 sisters and 1 brother) we used to get together over Christmas but as everyone started to have Children the decision was made to scrap the crazy Christmas gathering and do it in the summer time.  This year we had it at my Aunt Chrisy and Uncle David's house in San Diego, let me stop here to mention how lucky we are to have family in beautiful cities- Flagstaff, Salt Lake City, San Diego, and Vegas! We had an amazing time in the cool(er) California weather and the beach was aaaweeessome! Even though Hudson visited the beach last year he was way to young to enjoy it. This year it dug it BIG TIME! 

Okay, so I have to throw this in as a little memory for myself in the future: Vacations with a 15 month old are quite a bit different than vacations pre children. Wonderful... Yes, Relaxing.... No. We came home from this vacation with two tokens of advice for next time 1) Rent a beach house- hotels are not ideal for babies who randomly wake up at all hours of the night because they are in a new environment and 2) Bring grandma and grandpa.

We made ourselves right at home within minutes of checking in

Ahhhh. The beach.

Maybe next year

Blowing Mommy Kisses

Sweet Sisters (and a little wine)

Of course he had to taste the sand

Beautiful Sculpture Garden

Brian in a sculpture

Group shot (minus Lauren, Leah, Ian, and Tommy)
 We found a drum circle. This couple comes to the beach every Sunday night, sets up beach chairs and brings tons of drums and invites anyone to play. Hudson, Matt, and Brian got in on the drummin'  

 This crazy guy in the hat danced was dancing all around

Aunt Ginny and Me

Brian got to lead and start his own beat!

Sporting his 4th of July outfit

Eating one of Aunt Christy's strawberries, hand picked from her garden by H

 Surfin' the luggage cart

Matt decided that we need a swing like this in our backyard

On a tire swing shaped like and elephant

The balcony right outside our room in Little Italy

We ate dinner out here 2 nights in a row

  The barrier we had to make with lawn chairs 

Runnin' to get Mommy!

Got er'

 My ahhhhhh Vacation face, with the help of a little wine (out of a Styrofoam cup)
PS- Yes, I am wearing clothes in this picture, it's a strapless dress

This is what happens at 8am when you're up from midnight to 3am and you make Daddy walk to Seven 11 in downtown San Diego to get milk at 2am

 At a not so delicious breakfast place

Playing chess at the mall

Eating grass at a park we found when Hudson needed to run some serious sillies out!

Uhhhhh this didn't happen

 Sharing grass with Daddy

Running his sillies out

He's pretty sure Sunglasses are to be worn as necklaces

I am 100% in love with this face!

 Dinner on the patio our last night

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