Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pee Pee in the Potty

It's official... my baby is growing up.  As I was leaving work last Tuesday (February 21st) I called the house to check in as usual, Matt broke the news to me that Hudson had peed in the potty. He did it again for me when I got home that evening.  He's been pretty consistent most nights since then sitting on the potty and peeing before getting int he bath tub. Today he actually told Matt that he needed to go while they were outside, they came in the house and sure enough, he went! I'm cautious not to get too excited. I know potty training a boy is a long process, but I'm just glad we are getting the ball rolling. 
Yes, I took pictures... I'm that mom. 

So proud of himself!

 Oh and that's an M&M that fell into the potty. 
We give him a few M&M's when he goes.

I just had to add this one

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