Thursday, October 11, 2012

16 week pregnancy update

How Far Along:  16 wks
Total Weight Gain: I haven’t been on the scale the last few days, I’ll have to stick with the 3 lbs that I know I have gained as of 4 days ago.
Symptoms:   The nausea has mostly gone away, although I do get random waves, especially with some smells. The fatigue is also lifting, I actually watched the 10:00 news one day this week!
Maternity Clothes:  Yes. I have to work in the office next week and I’m having a bit of anxiety about finding 5 business casual outfits that fit me. The last time I was pregnant I wore scrubs the whole time.
Stretch Marks:  Still nothing new. Thank you God!
Sleep:  I find that I have to pee about every 20 minutes in the hour or so before I go to bed, but then once I’m asleep I’m good. Unless something else (Hudson) wakes me up in the middle of the night, then I have to pee again and sometimes find it hard to go back to sleep.
Movement: Still little flutters every once in a while.
Best Moment This Week:  Trying new recipes, 2 new recipes and one that I had only made once before. I’m trying to get more excited about cooking.
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Still no huge sweet tooth thank goodness. I really haven’t had any major cravings or aversions this week.
 What I Miss:  My energy.
What I’m Looking Forward To:  Getting next week over with. I am not looking forward to working in the office 5 days next week. I will be up early and fighting traffic, two of my least favorite things.  
Gender: I don’t know… I am kind of leaning more towards boy this week. It could be because I picked out a new favorite boy name… to be divulged at a later date  :)  
Belly Pics:  I promise to take some sometime soon.

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