This morning Matt and I woke up and realized we didn't have ANY plans. This is a rare occurrence around here. I love mornings like this! Matt cooked up some of his famous eggs. Shortly after breakfast we decided to take our bikes down to the lake in our neighborhood and feed the ducks. We had some friends over for dinner last night and had some leftover hotdog and hamburger buns. Lucky little duckies, I bet they usually get stale old bread.
Just before we got to the lake ran into a lady trying to catch a bunny, she quickly saw us as the suckers that we are and told us it wasn't her bunny she just felt bad for it because it was clearly domesticated and it must have gotten out of his house somehow then took off faster than a speeding bullet.
I'm usually the one with a soft spot in my heart for stray animals. I've never come across a bunny before (only dogs). I wasn't a huge fan of bringing in a bunny. Matt felt differently. So.... as of this moment, we have a bunny in our garage in our old dog kennel. He won't be staying, we are just giving the signs we put up in the neighborhood a chance.
The Bunny
Hudson has a hard time saying Bunny with a "B" he calls him Money. So, for now his (or her) name is Money. I know what you're thinking and yes, we have named him (or her) but NO we are not keeping Money.
Dasher is sure he would have a blast "playing" with Money
We had to put him in an outside trashcan until we got the crate together.
Matt making the sign
The sign
My Husband has a way with words, this sign made me LOL.
Finally, we made it to the lake
Hud ate more bread than I've ever seen him eat before.
Hudman and Mommy
"Moooommm... not in public"
"Daddy, make Mommy stop kissing me in public"
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