Friday, December 14, 2012

25 Weeks

How Far Along:  25 Weeks 1 day
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.
Symptoms:  Nothing new.
Maternity Clothes:  Yep
Stretch Marks:  Nothing new, however I have noticed some melasma on my upper cheeks and a pretty wicked dark vein that runs along the outside of my left eye.  It’s like pregnancy keeps getting more glamorous.
Sleep:  We are still working on “Operation Big Boy Bed” this continues to disrupt our sleep. Hudson does very well some nights, others… not as much. 
Movement: He seems to move constantly for periods of time and then sleep for LONG periods of time.
Best Moment This Week:  I had an appointment with my OB this morning; I love hearing this little guy’s heartbeat. I am starting to realize that he’s going to be here before we know it!  
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Broccoli. Not just any broccoli, only the broccoli that Matt makes. I swear, I make it the same way (just steam it with water and a little olive oil) but it is SO much better when he makes it. I seriously ate almost a half a bag a few nights ago.
One thing that is different this time around from my last pregnancy is the sweet cravings. I took Hudson on a date last night to Swirl it to get some frozen yogurt. It was just okay, and after eating it I felt HORRIBLE. I will not be eating any more froyo for the reminder of my pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Hudson he pretty much existed on Swirl It, I wanted it every night.
What I Miss:  Being able to sit in a jacuzzi.
What I’m Looking Forward To: This weekend we are staying at a resort here in town for a little staycation. It should be relaxing and so much fun!
Gender: Boy!  

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