Thursday, April 7, 2011


You turned one year old today! It's so hard for me to imagine that it's been a year since you were born. I remember your birth like it was yesterday.  Over this last year you have taught me so much. My heart has grow to a size I never knew existed. I love your cute little personality and your smile makes me melt. 
Here's a little bit about what makes you who you are. 
* You have 6 teeth- 4 on top & 2 on bottom
* You're walking all over the place
*You are beginning to like to eat. Go-Gurt is your current favorite, you also like black beans with cheese, cheerios, chips, crackers, bananas and of course milk. 
* You love to play in my drawer full of brushes, and you stare at me almost the whole time I blow dry my hair (you have a look on your face that says, "What is going on with all of that noise")
*You LOVE wires and cords. You especially like to put them in your mouth. 
*You totally dig the music class we go to every Thursday morning, you even dance whenever you hear music.
*You drink out of anything, however drinking out of my cup is always the best. You like ice in your water when you drink out of a sippy cup. You're not a huge fan of juice (which is okay with me). 
*Whenever you hear a phone ring, you hold your hand up to your ear and  say (in your cute little babble) "hello" it actually sounds more like "rello"
*You love toilet paper and toilet water intrigues you. We have to be extra careful to shut all of the bathroom doors. 
*You still love the outdoors. Whenever you get a little stir crazy in the house, we take you outside and it completely resets your mood. 
*You give the best open mouthed kisses. 
*You love Dasher.
*You love to play with your stuffed dog "Scout" in your crib. The music he plays puts you to bed at night and with every nap. 
*You sleep with your sound machine turned almost all of the way up. 
* You are 19lbs. 

1st OB appointment. We saw your heart beat for the first time this day.

Starting to make your first appearance

First ultrasound

 I'm in labor!

Right before I started pushing

First Picture

7 pounds and 10 ounces of love

 The first time we met face to face

1 month old

 Newborn pictures

2 months old

 3 months old

4 months old

Family Pictures

One of my favorite picture of you and Daddy

 5 months

6 months

 7 months

 8 months

 9 months

 10 months

 11 months

 First Birthday!

 Eating pasta- 12 months

Silly Face- 12 months

 He loves to bite on fingers

1 comment:

Leah said...

Sissy- what a sweet recap of the last year! I think it is so amazing that you've documented so much of Hudson's life so far. I love all of the pictures, and most of all I love hearing about him and seeing him on a daily basis. I don't get to see you guys as much as I wish I could, but I love you and Hudson and Matt and Dashie so so much and I'm so proud to be a sister, sister-in-law, and auntie to your incredible family. <3