Saturday, January 5, 2013

28 Weeks 2 Days

How Far Along:  28 Weeks 2 days. HELLLOOOO 3rd Trimester!
Total Weight Gain: Honestly, I’m a little scared to step on the scale post holiday…. I’m going to need do get brave here some day soon.   
Symptoms:  I’m feeling good! No new symptoms.
Maternity Clothes:  Yep
Stretch Marks:  False alarm with the stretchmark on my belly button, everything looks just as it did before   
Sleep:  I’m sleeping pretty well, no complaints.    
Movement: He’s finally starting to move more consistently. Now that I’m over 27 weeks I can start “Kick Counts”,  8-10 kicks in 1-2 hours is the rule. I so far so good he’s been meeting or exceeding this goal.  
Best Moment This Week:  We had a fabulous New Years. New Years Eve was spent at the Malone’s this year. Just hanging out with good friends, eating, and watching the kiddo’s run wild.
Food Cravings/Aversions:  I had a strong craving for mint chocolate chip ice cream in one of those plain white cones. I realized it’s kind of hard to find this basic indulgence these days. Ice cream is all fancy now. What I needed was a Baskin Robbins, we don’t happen to have one of those anywhere near my house so I settled for some dark chocolate peppermint ice cream in a bowl from Cold Stone. It was pretty delicious but didn’t take away my craving for my good old fave.
What I Miss:  My Brain! Oh my goodness. I don’t feel excessively stressed or like I have too much on my mind but I sure do some things that make me wonder where my brain went. Example #1 - Two weeks ago I decided to pay my SRP bill twice and not to pay my COX bill….. I got a nice little reminder from COX and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what happened. I knew I had paid that bill. LOL. Example #2- I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out why in the world my brand new curling iron wouldn’t turn on. I kept turning it off and on plugging and un plugging it, pressing the little reset button. I was totally bummed that I was going to have to return the darn thing….. Until I realized it was my hair dryer I was plugging in and the plug to my new curling iron was on the floor…. Seriously Christina.  
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting more organized for this baby! We are starting to get the nursery organized. We finally decided on a color scheme!
Gender: Boy!  

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