Thursday, January 17, 2013


How Far Along:  30 weeks! Holy Cow. This is crazy.
Total Weight Gain: Not sure, haven’t been on a scale this week.
Symptoms:  I’ve been waking up with nausea in the middle of the night. It’s so strange, I think it may be heartburn too… I don’t know. I’ve been kind of a mess for about an hour the last two mornings from about 2-3am. I’m going to try to take my prenatal vitamin at another time of day to see if that helps, Ive been taking it right before bed.
Maternity Clothes:  I just realized it’s kind of pointless to keep this section in here… It’s not like I’m going to wake up at any point before I deliver and be able to fit into my pre pregnancy jeans again. I’ll delete it for next time.
Stretch Marks:  Still negative. 
Sleep:  See above about my 2-3am nausea/heartburn situation.
Movement: He’s kicking, rolling, and getting much more active.
Best Moment This Week:  I found out I’M NOT GESTATIONAL DIABETIC!!! Whooo Hoooo, I couldn’t help but worry since I’m starting this pregnancy 15lbs heavier than I was with Hudson. I am however, anemic. Nothing a little OTC Iron cant help. 
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Nothing really new.
What I Miss:  Not feeling heavy.
What I’m Looking Forward To: I really have to start thinking about this nursery. I’m excited to get it done, but for some reason our lives have been so busy lately I haven’t had time to tackle it. I believe when I was pregnant with Hudson, his nursery was complete and collecting dust by the time I was 30 weeks. But I also didn’t have a toddler and endless weekend activities such as birthday parties and promised outings.
Gender: Boy!  I was thinking about taking this section out just like the Maternity Clothes section, but I have heard of crazier things happening. Usually not from boy to girl, but I’m going to keep it in just in case, so stay tuned.  


Nicci King said...

I'm sure your new nausea is related to the OTC iron and the prenatal vitamin. I couldn't take a prenatal with iron in it because I would throw up every time.

Christina said...

I'm sure your right Nicole. It started the same day I started the iron.

Christina said...

I'm sure your right Nicole. It started the same day I started the iron.