Thursday, February 21, 2013


How Far Along:  35 Weeks 
Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs—Wowza! This has to stop!
Symptoms:  My belly button now pops out every time I cough.  I know I've mentioned in the past how glamorous pregnancy is.  This is just the icing on the cake.
Stretch Marks:  Yep, I found a little patch of love marks to the left of my belly button last weekend.  
Sleep: I have a cough that wakes me up now in the middle of the night. That on top of being uncomfortable already makes for some restless nights. Poor Matt, he doesn’t get much sleep either. I tell him he’s welcome to curl up on the guest bed in my office or his comfortable recliner in the living room- I’m pretty sure he is going to take me up on that offer some day.  
Movement: Moving like crazy
Best Moment This Week:  Matt started the nursery! I came home from work on Sunday night and found all of the furniture moved out of the room and he has started to prepare the walls for paint! We also officially signed up and received our cord blood banking kit. It feels good to get that out of the way. We are checking things off our list one by one.  
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Really nothing new.
What I Miss:  Wearing cute clothes, feeling attractive. LOL 
What I’m Looking Forward To: The weekend. I am signed up for  my last two shifts at the hospital this weekend and then I will officially be on maternity leave from the hospital. Really I don’t work a lot but I have to sign up for 4 shifts a month and lately its been busy so I’ve been getting called in. I love that job, but at almost 9mo pregnant anything on top of 40 hours at my regular job is a little much for me. I also want to enjoy my last few weekends with just our family of 3. Hudson needs a little Mommy time.
Gender: Boy!--- I’m assuming, although I haven’t had an ultrasound in a while, and I’m not planning on having any more. He better be a boy, otherwise she will arrive into this world without a name or one single hair bow… sad. 


All of us! said...

I very definitely enjoy reading your weekly updates! you crack me up! I wish you would show us pictures of the baby bump!! P.S....Matt told Kyle and I that you are naming this little name, Sawyer! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that name! If he is half as cute as Hudson, you are in big trouble!! :) Rest a ton before he makes his arrival and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

Christina said...

Awe thank you! Now that I have the link to your blog I'll be sure to start following you! Such an exciting time right now. I wish you and your beautiful family all of the best.