Friday, March 1, 2013


How Far Along:  36 Weeks 1 Day
Total Weight Gain: I’m getting kind of tired of this section of the post, I’m sure you are as well …. Let’s move on.
Symptoms:  Braxton Hicks.
Stretch Marks:  Just the ones that I found last week.   
Sleep: The cough has started to go away, so I’m back to just flipping from side to slide now every hour or so. It’s interrupted sleep but I am usually able to sleep through most of the night.
Movement: Yep, moving like crazy. I can tell he’s head down with is feet in my ribs. This is somewhat uncomfortable but so much better than having a head in my ribs. Hudson was breech around this same time in my pregnancy with him and holy cow, that was painful.
Best Moment This Week:  I’m one week closer to meeting my 2nd little man! I’m really starting to get excited about having a newborn. I am nervous as well, I know we are in for a HUGE change.
I am now having weekly OB appointments and they are checking my cervix at each visit. I’m not sure how I forgot how uncomfortable that is but WOWZA! Last week was an eye opener for me. Today it wasn’t as bad; perhaps my nurse practitioner has smaller hands than the doctor I saw last week. Last week I was 1-2 cm dilated on the inside and 2cm on the outside and about 70% effaced, the same today. That’s good news since I think when I was in full blown labor with Hudson I was about “a fingertip”…. So less than a cm.  That probably had something to do with the 17-hour labor I had with him. Maybe this one will move along a little quicker. I am having tons of Braxton hicks contractions, most of the time they are irregular, but I’ve had a couple of nights that they would not let up, I have had to lay down and force fluids to get them to stop.  Hudson was almost a full week overdue so I’m not getting my hopes up, but maybe this little guy may show up a little before his due date???
Food Cravings/Aversions:  Red Meat. It’s so gross. I’m a total carnivore these days.  We eat steak at least once a week and I had a burger for lunch twice this week. Maybe I need to boost the amount of iron I’m taking. It’s strange to crave meat, that’s something new for me. 
What I Miss:  Happy Hour.  
What I’m Looking Forward To: Enjoying some time with Hudson. Now that my weekends are free, we will get to have some good quality time together.
Gender: Boy. 

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