Thursday, March 7, 2013

37 Weeks....Full Term!

How Far Along:  37 Weeks Officially Full Term!
Total Weight Gain: I have not checked in the last week. I will have to get on the scale and report next week. 
Symptoms:  Same old Braxton hicks.  
Stretch Marks:  Yeah, I have a few newbies. Although, I was looking back at pictures of when I was in the hospital about to deliver Hudson and someone took a super flattering picture of me while the nurse was putting the transducers on my belly and holy cow I didn’t remember all of those stretch marks, I guess this time around they aren’t that bad and I know they will fade a little.    
Sleep: Just the same old sleep pattern waking up to flip from side to side or if I end up on my back I wake up in a panic because I cant breathe.
Movement: Lots of movement! He was going crazy last night while I was finishing up work, I think he’s running out of room and trying to get comfortable. 
Best Moment This Week: Matt finished painting the nursery last night! Whooooo Hoooooo! (pictures to come). I love love love it! We are having our carpets cleaned tomorrow and then we will move in the furniture and finish decorating! 
Food Cravings/Aversions:  I randomly went out to get a blizzard at Dairy Queen yesterday. I don’t do things like that very often. It sounded good and so I ran with it. Of course I regret it today… and that could be one of the reasons I didn’t happen to remember to step on the scale today.  
What I Miss:  Normal clothes, I’m getting tired of my maternity options.   
What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the nursery completely put together this weekend. Also, we are celebrating Hudson’s birthday this Saturday, yes it’s a month early but I figure a toddler party would be much easier without a newborn. He thinks it’s the best idea ever, it’s like having 2 birthdays because I’m sure we will do something special on is actual birthday as well.
Gender: Boy.

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